What is the difference between a VPS server and a cloud hosting service?

A VPS server allows the user to have their own device, which is managed locally by that person. They are also given their own personal space. This hosting is not ideal for production-level cloud computing because of the hardware being managed separately from the virtual machine (VM).

Advantages of VPS server

- The VPS server allows the user to have their own device, which is managed locally by that person. They are also given their own personal space.

- This hosting is not ideal for production-level cloud computing because of the hardware being managed separately from the virtual machine (VM).

- The VPS server allows a person to have more control over what they want on their system, in contrast to devoted hosting where users must accept all features of a particular cloud service.

- Operators can easily monitor and manage all areas of the host remotely because they do not require an entire physical machine with them every time.

- “Headless” refers to instances or resources without separate staging environments such as routers, switches

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is a type of hosted computer services in which clients lease virtualized server resources from a supplier. The client’s data, applications and devices remain on the provider’s network. The cloud hosting model includes automatically scaling up and down based on demand, offering different levels of CPU, RAM and disk space for each customer without building out their own computing infrastructure or software. Cloud servers are ideal for web applications that require an internet connection because there is no need to install software like Apache HTTP Server (a web server), MySQL (a database management system) or uWSGI (an application server).

Benefits of Cloud Hosting

- Clients no longer need to maintain the hardware or software that their application runs on because the cloud provider does it for them.

- The provider handles any issues with the hardware or software of their clients.

- Cloud hosting providers operate in a highly competitive environment, so prices are constantly going down and service levels are improving.

- The cloud hosting model has reduced downtime by eliminating many risk factors such as power outages, natural disasters, and malware infections.

- There is a higher level of security because all the data, applications and devices live on owned networks instead of client devices potentially having viruses and hackers attacking them.


There are many advantages to using a VPS server but having the benefit of being able to scale the frequency and amount of CPU, RAM, and disk space that is available for a client. This hosting is not ideal for production-level cloud computing because hardware is managed separately from the VM. Since there are many benefits regarding cloud hosting; this may be more common than purchasing a VPS server.

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